I think am pregnant, with so many thought;
Which is a mystery with a misty eyed
I don't even know if our forebears bears to forward
Their messy tribulation upon us
Us lamentations 5 v 7 says; our fathers sinned and are no more,
And we bear their punishment
Oh I think am pregnant;
So am lifting all the weight, to raise my arms, so high to the most high! ! !
To ask why am pregnant with obstacles;
Affable, am muting all my contemplations demeanor
To the alphabet M,
Which is trending in our generation, in the new generated
New testaments Matthew 7 v 7;
Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall
Be opened unto you.
Now a known am not pregnant with a null set,
But a universal set of Gods plans and ambitions.
So am pregnant not with bad deeds to deem the beam of Gods plan towards me,
But I think am pregnant with the juice of grace and prosperity from God.
Oh our great God;
Now I think am pregnant! ! !Wisely.
An imaginative write but try to avoid cliches and numerals in your poems.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
pregnants with thoughts. Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall Be opened unto you. i am pregnant with peace.......... very fine poem of faith and spirituality. tony