I Think Am Pregnant Poem by Joseph Sakyiamah

Joseph Sakyiamah

Joseph Sakyiamah

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Joseph Sakyiamah
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I Think Am Pregnant

Rating: 5.0

I think am pregnant, with so many thought;
Which is a mystery with a misty eyed
I don't even know if our forebears bears to forward
Their messy tribulation upon us
Us lamentations 5 v 7 says; our fathers sinned and are no more,
And we bear their punishment
Oh I think am pregnant;
So am lifting all the weight, to raise my arms, so high to the most high! ! !
To ask why am pregnant with obstacles;
Affable, am muting all my contemplations demeanor
To the alphabet M,
Which is trending in our generation, in the new generated
New testaments Matthew 7 v 7;
Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall
Be opened unto you.
Now a known am not pregnant with a null set,
But a universal set of Gods plans and ambitions.
So am pregnant not with bad deeds to deem the beam of Gods plan towards me,
But I think am pregnant with the juice of grace and prosperity from God.
Oh our great God;
Now I think am pregnant! ! !Wisely.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: faith
Dr Antony Theodore 25 April 2018

pregnants with thoughts. Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall Be opened unto you. i am pregnant with peace.......... very fine poem of faith and spirituality. tony

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Robert Murray Smith 25 April 2018

An imaginative write but try to avoid cliches and numerals in your poems.

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Joseph Sakyiamah

Joseph Sakyiamah

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Joseph Sakyiamah
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