I Spied The Grim Reaper Poem by Barry Middleton

Barry Middleton

Barry Middleton

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Barry Middleton
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I Spied The Grim Reaper

Rating: 5.0

I spied the Grim Reaper
right behind my tree

I saw him
but he didn't see me

he went on his way
and he let me be

and I'm sure glad
that I still breathe free

‘cause I'm tired of fighting
that old S.O.B.

I Spied The Grim Reaper
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death
M. Asim Nehal 14 September 2023

Well no one can escape 'Death' it is inevitable. The way you wrote this poem 'Simple and Straight' touched my poetic soul. Full ******

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Kim Barney 04 June 2018

This made me chuckle! Usually the grim reaper is going to see you first. Congratulations on escaping this time!

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Michael Walker 19 February 2018

A black, stark photo image that is just right for the serious-humorous poem. I fear the grim reaper, but not all the time.

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Practicing Poetess 17 February 2018

It's wonderful that you can write of this with such humour! Hope he goes on his way for quite a bit longer, and doesn't return until you're certain that you're good and ready for him! :)

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dimitrios galanis 15 February 2018

You follow here, dear Barry, the tradition of a long literature composing its text on Charon of the hellenic mythology since 750 a.d. at least with the first epics -especially the Ilias and Odyssee. The hellenic folk songs on the matter are a great chapter of this mythology too.On the same matter see my own poem Descend on the necro-oracle of Acheron too.The excavation of the shrine were made by my great professor Sotiris Dacaris.I worked as his assistant for two years excavating Dodona.

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Barry Middleton

Barry Middleton

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Barry Middleton
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