I Remember You Poem by Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo

Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo

Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo

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Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo
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I Remember You

Rating: 4.3

Like it was few minutes ago,

I remember you,

I remember your pretty face,

I remember your mother-like voice,

I remember the hope in your voice,

I remember the inspiration in you eye,

I remember the curve on your lips when you smile,

I remember the color of your skin,

I remember the smell of your perfume,

I remember your sad and happy moment,

I remember your pain and struggle,

I remember how he never noticed,

I remember how you were forgotten by him,

I remember how she cared and would die for you,

I remember how she never gave-up on you,

I remember your last day and ward with me,

I remember the day and time,

I remember the unforgettable news,

I remember how i wish it were hoax,

I remember how lifeless you lay on your death bed,

I remember how pretty you still are on it,

I remember the heart break,

I remember the tears run down my cheeks,

I remember how i wish you could see me now,

I remember how heavily your mother howled,

I remember the story told in her howl,

I remember your sibling standing on your grave side with so much

tears in their eyes,

As they lit there candles to pray for your soul, i remember.

I remember the happy and sad faces,

I remember you LINDA.

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Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo

Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo

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Chuks Kevin Nwaokolo
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