I Miss You Every Day Poem by Ronald Chapman

Ronald Chapman

Ronald Chapman

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Ronald Chapman
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I Miss You Every Day

My love for you will last forever,
I miss you every day,

It's impossible
I can't touch your face,
I see your aspect and words directly in front of me,
Listening to sweet old music and your heartache,

It's impossible,
I can't find a way to stand by your side,
Born in different times,
Our hearts so far away, Born in different places,

Our Souls have followed a path through time,
Never being able to touch truly each others hearts,

I can never stand by your side.
So far away we stand in different places and times,

Never being able to touch your chest,
To feel your beating heart,

I miss you so much when you're not here,
Miss your kind words,
Miss your bashful smile,

My love for you will last eternally,
Even, not being able to kiss your lips,

I miss you so much,
When you're not around.

I Miss You Every Day
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and dreams,love and friendship,love and life,relationship,romance
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Ronald Chapman

Ronald Chapman

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Ronald Chapman
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