I'M Who I Am! Poem by lavanya subramanian

lavanya subramanian

lavanya subramanian

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lavanya subramanian
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I'M Who I Am!

Rating: 5.0

 People think I'm so confident,
But I'm really more insecure than anyone can realize! !
I don't feel completely comfortable with my body! !
And I get overly emotional! !
I don't fall for someone easily because I'm afraid to trust!
My failures out shine my strengths in my mind! !
I think too much,
I feel things more deeply than most people! !
My legs aren't long and my hair doesn't always fall as it should! !
But I know I'm worth something,
And I have my place,
I have a sparkle in my eyes that even I can't deny,
I'm stronger than so many can understand! !
I might not be perfect, but I'm perfectly me! !

Roseann Shawiak 03 June 2016

Totally love your explicit honesty, I've felt this way when much younger, now that I have matured, I can laugh at myself, remembering those innocent days. Most people I feel have felt this way at one time or another, thank you for portraying it so simply, coming to a realization that just being yourself makes you perfect! Love this poem! Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Mona Martinez 05 December 2012

wow. that's how i feel at times. ppl see what i want them to see, but deep down it's a different story. it's easy to fool ppl into believing what you want them to see about you, but it not a life worth living. You said it well in your last line. I might not be perfect, but i am perfectly me. you don't have to be perfect, there nothing wrong with being who we are. :)

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lavanya subramanian

lavanya subramanian

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lavanya subramanian
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