I Love To Bathe In The Spring Of My Soul. Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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I Love To Bathe In The Spring Of My Soul.

Rating: 4.9

There is a spring in me
that brims and ripples
in the depth of the night.

There is a spring in me
that loves the silence of my heart.

It rushes forth to fill
the valley of my soul
breaking my silence
and then to wash me pure.

There is a spring in me
in which angels and saints
of heaven come to swim
in the silence of my night.


At the dawn when the heavens open

My eyes burst open
at a slow pace
like the lotus
when the soft warm rays
kiss its petals open
in the joyful wonder
of the glorious rays.

There is a spring in me
in which the birds of heaven
fly down to drink.

The flutterings of their wings
create a music in me
in their splashing and splattering.

I love to bathe in the spring of my soul.

There is a spring in me that brims and ripples.

(I began to bathe in my spring water that wells up in me, in my depths in silence in the night and remained there until the dawn that purified me.)

((Graphic: markku kassila saved to Markku kassila. Pinterest)

I Love To Bathe In The Spring Of My Soul.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: soul,spring,silence
Practicing Poetess 29 July 2018

A most colourful and descriptive poem! We should ALL have a spring like that! (Or, DO we already? If so, let us all discover it quickly!)

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Nudershada Cabanes 11 May 2018

A beautifully penned poem Dr. Tony. There's a spring in every soul but only a few takes time to visit that spring and bath in its pristine water. Superbly penned. To my poem list.10 Nudershada

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Edward Kofi Louis 11 May 2018

Breaking my silence! With the beauty of Spring! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 12 May 2018

Wonderful imaginary. You have a special spring in your heart that you have inscribed here startlingly. Beautiful poem on metaphor base that attracts the readers. Thank you for sharing.10

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When there is spring in soul, The soul shall dance with delight, The soul shall sing with melody, The soul shall love silently! Wonderful poem dear Tony -100

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Sankaran Ayya 15 September 2019


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Abhipsa Panda 11 October 2018

A beautiful poem with a deep thought connecting this world and heaven when the soul is purified...lovely and beautiful lines...

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Michael Cochrane 28 September 2018

Well written by a poet of consciousness of God and of the spirit. Excellent poem

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Ntsako Manhisa 25 September 2018

Wow your poem reminds me of this scripture but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4: 14 This deserves 10+++++++++

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Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 18 September 2018

The spring in me that to wash me pure.The poet's love to bath in such a spring so nicely expressed in the poem. A very beautiful meditative poem.

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Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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