I Know Something You Don'T Know.......... Poem by Payyton Egerstaffer

Payyton Egerstaffer

Payyton Egerstaffer

Fort Polk, Louisiana
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Payyton Egerstaffer
Fort Polk, Louisiana
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I Know Something You Don'T Know..........

Rating: 5.0

I know something you don't know
As I watch her while the tears silently flow
I know something you don't know
As I clean up the blood in the snow
I know something you don't know
When she won't say hello
I know something you don't know
When her eyes no longer go aglow
I know something you don't know
When she refuses to let the hurt show
I know something you don't know
When she thinks she belongs to below
I know something you don't know
When you asked about the scars that were put there long ago
I know something you don't know

Matthew Harrison 17 August 2009

I love recurring line poems. They enable you too keep a theme throughout the poem and amongst broader ideas. I don't tend to use them as every other line, mostly at the head or tail of a stanza. The purpose of poetry being to say something complex, simply. Repetition is at odds with this, but it illuminates your ability to maintain rhyme. Loved the theme. Well done.

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Serenity Prayer 23 December 2008

exellcent job. very interesting. keep up the good work!

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i saw you write this poem :) and its a very good and deep one, i love it.. love youuu babehh! x3, mill

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Payyton Egerstaffer

Payyton Egerstaffer

Fort Polk, Louisiana
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Payyton Egerstaffer
Fort Polk, Louisiana
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