I Know Of A Youth Poem by Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

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Black Consciousness Poetry BCP
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I Know Of A Youth

Rating: 4.0

I know of a youth who die of
cancer cause they won't read
the cigarette pack, who die of
Aids cause they are too drunk, too
high to remember how to wear a
condom, who abort their future in
street corners for a day's fix, who
swim in the oceans of liquor cause
they can't bear the shores of reality,
the heat of the sun that questions
everyone under it's reach. I know
of a youth who speak in a borrow
tongue, who define themselves in
borrowed terms, borrow expression and
hand gestures. who miss-pronounce
their lineage names and clan names
that connect them to the source
of self, who can't call on their
souls, who can't call their souls
their own, who consume more than what
they don't own, who can't relate with
their own.

I also know of the youth who seems
to know much, like where we are,
where we should be and how we
should get there, I know of a youth
who read books, read the world. who
quote great philosopher and converse
about conscious philantropist. Who
redefine society's fashion and
expression, who seek to decolonise
education and universities to
decolonise the entire society, Who
call for the fall of statues, fall
of fees, fall of an oppressive system.
who live for the just cause, who redefine
the ideas about 'god', who seek the
truth and change, the kind that carries
realisation of a world with a more
human face.

|Suss KaMzibeni|

I Know Of A Youth
James Mclain 13 November 2016

Untreated, Severe trauma is the most Likely cause of Each individual's need to Self medicate. The real crime here is that Our doctors and Judges now this and do nothing about it.. iip

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Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

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Black Consciousness Poetry BCP
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