I Have Stopped With The Rhyming Words For Just A Moment... Poem by chad fisher

chad fisher

chad fisher

Hattisburg Mississipi
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chad fisher
Hattisburg Mississipi
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I Have Stopped With The Rhyming Words For Just A Moment...

I have stopped with the rhyming words for just a moment,
Because is this a poem? Perhaps not, perhaps so,
Mabe it depends on how you want to percieve it...
I just had something I wanted to share, and please correct me if I am wrong, for I am not always a vicious vampire, what I mean is that I won't bite...
You see,
All the wonderful wisdom, knowledge and insights I have gained,
But I fear that I have gained nothing, because I have not used any of these...
Is knowledge power? ... no, I think not, knowledge is not power, but power is using the right knowledge, in the right way, at the right time, to the right person, for the right purpose.
It goes beyond anything I'll ever fully comprehend, but this much I know is true. Or at least I think this might be true. Ah the mind how it can go in circles sometimes.

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chad fisher

chad fisher

Hattisburg Mississipi
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chad fisher
Hattisburg Mississipi
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