I Have Roses For You My Friend Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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I Have Roses For You My Friend

Rating: 5.0

I have roses for you my friend.
May I tie it now with pretty bows.
Golden are the strings
and my fingers tie it with great love
for you my friend.

I love you so much.
You are my friend.
You are the friend of my soul.

You sense my pain.
You caress me
You hug me in innocent love
You are the friend of my mind.

You are in my thoughts
that well up in my brain.
You tickle my brain
and my smile becomes so sweet.

Look! ! !
There are children playing
on the green grass.
They run about like sweet beings
on the hands of pure love.

Look! ! !
Butterflies fly around
and the nightingales sing.

The rainbow sees it from above.
It breaks into a sweet smile
with all its colours
and tells me "you have an innocent soul".

(This was published in Poetfreak under the name of Genovamaaa. Genova was my beloved mother. She died at the young age of 38. I want to keep her name alive as long as I am alive

I Have Roses For You My Friend
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship,innocence,nightingale,pain,rainbow,soul
Sranisha Francis 29 May 2016

Dear Tony A beatifull exprations.......... I love you so much. You are my friend. You are the friend of my soul.

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Roseann Shawiak 25 May 2016

Everything you pictured in this poem brought an image to my mind, you have painted a beautiful vision within my mind, filled with innocence, joy, purity and natural beauty. Friendship is indeed divine and your soul is as innocent as a newborn child. Absolutely enjoyed reading this one, very uplifting and quietly spiritual! Another 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Richly deserved, Tony, thank you. RoseAnn

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Fatemeh Tarkashvand 21 May 2016

God bless her soul. Having such a son make her to smile surely.

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Anzelyne Shideshe 20 May 2016

What an amazing beautiful poem your mother is happy wherever She is! ! !

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Sarah Persson 18 May 2016

Another beautiful poem :)

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Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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