I Can Think Of You Now Without Tears Poem by Cj Heck

Cj Heck

Cj Heck

Born in Columbus OH - living in Florida
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Cj Heck
Born in Columbus OH - living in Florida
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I Can Think Of You Now Without Tears

Rating: 4.7

I'll never understand
why you couldn't wait,
but time brings an acceptance
and with it, a richness for having loved
and having been loved.

I will always be indebted to you
for what you gave me.
Your heart breathed life into mine
when I thought all was lost,
and I'm me, because there was an us.

I miss your warm breath on my nape,
your tender whispers in the night,
but now it's a new touch that thrills,
and it's his eyes that overflow with love.

They see the me you were first to find,
but he reaps what you so gently sowed.
I’ll never forget what we had, but
I can think of you now without tears
for another has taken your place.

Shannon Chapel 06 December 2005

Well done. Thought provoking indeed. S

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Cj Heck

Cj Heck

Born in Columbus OH - living in Florida
follow poet
Cj Heck
Born in Columbus OH - living in Florida
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