I Am Sorry Dear Sister Poem by Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma

Pathankot, INDIA
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Gaurav Sharma
Pathankot, INDIA
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I Am Sorry Dear Sister

Rating: 5.0

Three words, eight letters, so difficult to say.
They're stuck inside of me, they try and stay away.
But this is too important to let them have their way.
I need to do it now, I must do it today.
I am sorry.

From the time that we were little,
I knew you’d always be
Not just a loving sister
But a caring friend to me.

I’m thinking of you
With joy and pleasure,
Remembering times
I’ll always treasure.

Let’s go on with our lives as we were;
I’d take it all back if I could.
Let’s focus on positive things;
What we have is important and good.

I will not hurt you, that’s my promise;
You will forgive me, I know this.

Unknown 06 February 2019

☺☺it worked...thank yougaurav sharma...seems your an indian

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Neetha Sasidharan 23 October 2011

nice one.. try to keep those 3 words out of your head

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Ezna Stephna 29 May 2010

Excellent! You pen write it so emotionally and in high-quality manner ……also you convey your feelings in reality.......... thanks for sharing….. Poet Gaurav.....10++++++

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Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma

Pathankot, INDIA
follow poet
Gaurav Sharma
Pathankot, INDIA
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