I Am Not I. Who Am I? Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

AiR - Atman in Ravi

AiR - Atman in Ravi

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AiR - Atman in Ravi
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I Am Not I. Who Am I?

Rating: 4.5

I am not who I am!
I have a body, but am I the body?
I have a mind, but am I the mind?
I have an ego, but am I the ego?
Who is the me that I am?

Am I a butterfly? No that's not me.
Am I a bee? No that's not me.
Am I a tree? No that's not me.
I am me!
Who is the me that I am?

I am not who I think I am
I am an Indian - No, that's my nationality
I am a Hindu - No, that's my religion
I am a male - No, that's my gender
I am not who I think I am!

I am not my car
I know what I am not
I am not my house
I know what I am not
What I am not, I know
But I know not who I am

I have eyes that can see
But the eyes are not me
I have limbs that can walk
But it's not me who does the talk
These are mine, but not me
Who is the me that I am?

I am not the Ego
That's my identity
I am not the body and mind
That's not ME
I am the Holistic Energy
I am "HE"
I am not the ‘I' that I thought I was
Who am I? I know who I am.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: body
Dr Antony Theodore 27 November 2018

I am the Holistic Energy I am HE I am not the ‘I' that I thought I was Who am I? I know who I am. who am I is a perennial question which so many of the sages spoke of. when you say i am Holisitc Energy, have you found yourself? Did you find an answer to your question who am I? Are you satisfied with this answer. questions after questions. thank u dear poet for bringing in this point in your poem. thanku again. tony

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Chinedu Dike 27 November 2018

Well conceived and nicely crafted with clarity of thought and mind. Aa poignant rendition set aside for sober reflection. Thanks for sharing.

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Dr Antony Theodore 21 August 2020

I am not the Ego That's my identity I am not the body and mind That's not ME I am the Holistic Energy thinking and philosophizing. tony

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Sylvia Frances Chan 21 August 2020

This is the creation of a true poet, so impressively worded. Please, keep writing poems, Atman Sir! You love to write poems as it shoudl, amazing to discover that! Thank you for sharing!

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A B Faniki 31 August 2019

An intriguing poem that mskes one reflect abt his I dentify.Thanks for sharing such thoughtful poem

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Bharati Nayak 21 August 2019

I am not the Ego That's my identity I am not the body and mind That's not ME I am the Holistic Energy I am " HE" I am not the ‘I' that I thought I was Who am I? I know who I am. - - - - -Who am I is an intriguing question to which philosophers of all age have tried to know. A beautiful poem thanks for sharing.

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Dr Antony Theodore 29 December 2018

I am the Holistic Energy I am HE I am not the ‘I' that I thought I was Who am I? I know who I am. will we be able to find a proper answer to this question. who am I? very nice poem.dear poet.. tony

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AiR - Atman in Ravi

AiR - Atman in Ravi

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AiR - Atman in Ravi
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