I Am In My Mother's Eyes Poem by Bharati Nayak

Bharati Nayak

Bharati Nayak

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Bharati Nayak
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I Am In My Mother's Eyes

Rating: 4.9

Oh Mother
I am
That daughter of yours
Who you see
as capable for every thing
You dream your unrealised dreams
Through my eyes
You see me as one
Who progresses ahead
Setting aside all hurdles
My every success
Becomes your pride.

You say
I am beautiful
All Sarees look nice on me
I also admit
I can wear nicely
All colour Sarees
Be it of anger or anguish
Neglect or intolerance
I drape them
So dexterously
That I look beautiful to all.

No, No,
Perhaps I look beautiful to you
You say
Your daughter is beautiful
You don't know
How much strength
Is there in your words
Only I know
It is your love
That are my weapons
My power
I dazzle in this light and
I look beautiful
So beautiful!

Friday, September 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: mother daughter
This poem is the English translation of my poem in Odia language 'Bou Akhire Mu' posted on this website.
Saree is a length of cotton, silk or synthetic material that are traditionally worn by Indian women.
Subhas Chandra Chakra 03 November 2017

Congratulations Bharati Apa for this much awaited dream day, your poem has been presented as member poem of the day, one it so deserved. Your effort has not only thrown light upon your poetic skill and potency, but also on the great role of our mother's expectations from us shaping our personality and being- inner and outer. A huge 10+++ for this excellent poem. Regards. SUBHAS

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Bharati Nayak 09 November 2017

Thank you brother, Subas Chandra Chakra for your lovely words.Yes, mother plays a great role in shaping our personality.Her hope, aspirations and faith in us are key to our success.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 03 November 2017

Thanks and congratulations for being selected this poem as the poem of the day.

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Bharati Nayak 09 November 2017

Thank you so much Sri Kumarmani Mahakul for your encouraging words.

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 03 November 2017

Give your heart up to it, as a little child led by its mother 's hand! and the mother 's heart was touched, and she forgot all her forebodings is what we see here between the relation of mother and daughter.....Bharati.....a very well crafted piece with a lot of emotions....Full credit....thanks for sharing

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capt Manas Kumar Das 04 May 2023

A lovely poem

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Dr Dillip K Swain 05 November 2022

A lovely poem dear poetess. Keep writing

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Dr Dillip K Swain 21 October 2022

A lovely poem. A daughter is always cute, young and beautiful in the eyes of a mother. I love this endearing poem dear poetess. Stay blessed

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 September 2022

This is one of your best poems. It gives immense pleasure to revisit this endearing poem!

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Tom Allport 08 July 2022

A beautiful write of a caring mother's love and nurture so her daughter can shine bright.

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Bharati Nayak

Bharati Nayak

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Bharati Nayak
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