Hurt And Pain Poem by Sire Superwhizzy

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Sire Superwhizzy

Sire Superwhizzy

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Sire Superwhizzy
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Hurt And Pain

These days I guess I don't deserve to live
I felt disheartening
Hard to live; happily
Hurt and pain is all I could feel
Work ain't going fine
Life? ; "not treating right"

Everyone telling me how bad I be
Trashing me
When parent blasphemy
Like I don't deserve to be
In this fa-mily
Friends don't wanna hang with me
On their Nike clique
Coz my dressing style is seeing
As lowlify thing
Girlfriend telling me
What a non-caring freak I be
For I'm just heartlessly being
Like a robot machine
People stare from afar
Trow me words of slap
Call me this and that
Coz of my fairy glare
Am I scaring them
With my hairy head
Eh! most of the thing they said
Doesn't ring a bell
In my nonemotional head

Maybe they're too blind to see
Maybe truly, I don't deserve to live
Where other people be
It's hard to love
When everybody talk
That I'm not worthy of
Love 'nd joy
Hatred piling up
Why am I been judged
For things I know nothing of
Why can't they just let me walk
Through this disheartening world

Hurt And Pain
Monday, November 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: hate,love,pain
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Sire Superwhizzy

Sire Superwhizzy

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