Hurt Poem by mandy sotwili

mandy sotwili

mandy sotwili

transkei, South Africa
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mandy sotwili
transkei, South Africa
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I was so mad thinking I could ever make it with you
So many promises you never fulfilled
But why promise if you know its beyond your power?

It didn't matter how u felt about me
All I wanted was to be with you
I couldn't care less what people told me “he's gonna hurt you”
I wanted to experience hurt at first hand.“ He's gonna chew you like chewing gum” so who cares!
This was going to be a journey I longed to travel with my heart so eager

Boom! I found you with her

My heart stopped...

They had warned me
They told me this would happen
My heart cried when you told me u had moved on
Without me, you promised to never leave me, you promised me a never ending journey, you said you could never make it without me.

Tears fell down my cheeks
As if my eyes were pregnant
Truth had cut my heart so slow and painfully, I thought I'd never make it to tomorrow

Then again...I waltzed blindly in the shadows...I'm still a mere fledgling in need of wings and feathers...

Molay Toufik 21 December 2011

my dear Mandy i ask my self the same question why promise if you know its beyond your power? and indeed you are beautiful you don't need some one who felt youtube It didn't matter how u felt about me All I wanted was to be with you Sad poem it's painful for you i feel that and i see between this line your hope to stund up and resurrect your self I love it truly wonderful keep up Best

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mandy sotwili

mandy sotwili

transkei, South Africa
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mandy sotwili
transkei, South Africa
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