How To Write A Funny Poem! Poem by Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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How To Write A Funny Poem!

Well, ferst of awl, it helps to spel,
It reely, reely does,
And grammer helps each boy and gel
To overcome a fuss…
Exaggerate a little bit,
Tell lies about their nose,
Their quirks are targets you can hit,
So study for yore prose…

Imagine situations when
They're bound to get fings wrong,
They mess up punchlines now and then
Or they carnt sing a song…
And accents can be reely great,
Some posh and some refined,
While others you can reely hate,
Like slang words brought to mind…

So don't just keep it nice and prim,
Yore poem's on parade,
Dig deep, hurt them, hurt her, hurt him,
They're bound to be dismayed…
Of coarse, it's reely up to you…
You norty so-and-so…
But to yore art you must be true,
Though all yore friends may go!

Denis Martindale February 2017.

For more ideas, check the
Google search result for
poetry cartoon, then click
for the images... LOL...

Friday, February 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: funny,poem,writing
Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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