Hope Poem by Della Perry

Della Perry

Della Perry

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Della Perry
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As winter's darkness encroaches the light,
A black lid upon the coffin of day,
It brings a regret on a chain of steel,
An iron anchor that weighs one down.
Outside it is cold and bleak,
A body that is frail and weak,
Mind and thoughts in such turmoil.

But under the snow, beneath the soil,
Lies life in abundance waiting a while,
For the thawing light and warmth of rays,
Will once more return, those summer days,
Those little buds will spring right back,
Bury those chains in the wintry haze,
Lift the lid up to the warmth and sun,
Defeat regret and up and run.

Poetrypez 30.12.19

Monday, December 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
Kostas Lagos 30 December 2019

Beautiful poem dear poetess! Thanks for posting!

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Jazib Kamalvi 18 March 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, Della P. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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Bri Edwards 12 November 2023

HITCH: (noun; one definition) 'a usually unforeseen difficulty or obstacle' I'm guessing, Della, that Springtime is nicer for you than Wintertime is. bri : )

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Bri Edwards 12 November 2023

Today I had some trouble wading through your poem. It's overall obvious what your message is, though I found a hitch*** (for me) in severalo places.

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Bri Edwards 12 November 2023

encroach (intransitive verb) : '1: to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another 2: to advance beyond the usual or proper limits' Hmm?

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Kingsley Egbukole 11 September 2023

A beautiful piece. Interesting to read

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Bri Edwards 11 September 2023

Della, I just sent a 'message' to you on PH. bri ;)

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Della Perry

Della Perry

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Della Perry
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