Homeostasis Poem by Nandhagopal Ramachandiran

Nandhagopal Ramachandiran

Nandhagopal Ramachandiran

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Nandhagopal Ramachandiran
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As the war clouds settle down and the storm stops rising, we sleep in peace on the lap of the Earth.
At the dawn of wisdom, we could hear the wake-up call and view the dance that sets our life rolling:
the heart beats in harmony to keep the blood flowing, to perfuse the organs in tune with their needs;
day and night, the brain generates the nerve impulse that prepares the rhythm for the concert;
the lungs provide fresh air and balance (acid-base balance)for the moves;
the kidneys play aqueous songs for recycling the electrolytes and filtering the nitrogenous pitch out;
the gut ruminates on the nutritional moves, while the liver handles the metabolic plays;
the persuasive endocrine orchestrates the feedback steps for the milieu interior.
Wow, that's a balancing act in perfect harmony driving our life in splendid health!
But what if, the organs make a few missteps and are at cross purpose?
Alas, such a chaos will change the rhythmic dance into a suspended animation!
Let's learn from our dancing organs to live in harmony with the nature and other human.
Then there will not be talks of another war, but only humane network of tender rhythm, songs and peaceful moves.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: war and peace
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Nandhagopal Ramachandiran

Nandhagopal Ramachandiran

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Nandhagopal Ramachandiran
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