Home Schooling Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Home Schooling

I am taking a survey of those,
Who have chosen home schooling...
Oppose to private or public schooling,
For their children.
Is there any particular reason.
And how old are your children? '

~I have a daughter who is five years old.
And a son who is ten.
He is now with his father.
At the rifle range.
I am especially protective of my daughter.
I do not want her exposed to the awful things,
Happening today in any school.
I have hired tutors to do what I can monitor.
Right here in my home.

In fact...
She is currently having private dancing lessons.~

'That's terrific.
Do you come in contact with the other,
Home schooling parents? '

Of course.
I certainly do.
And we all have agreed to use the same methods.~

'I thank you.
And have a great day.'

~You too! ~

Now shake it.
Rotate those hips.
Now shake it.
Sexy mama.
Shake it.
Rotate those hips.
Over to the left...
Give me swivelled hips.
Over to the right...
Swivel those hips.

Now shake it.
Sexy mama.
Shake it.
Rotate those hips.
Over to the right...
Now shake it.
Over to the left,
Rotate those hips.
Turn, turn.
Shake that butt.
Over to the left...
Give me swivelled hips.
Over to the right...
Swivel those hips.)

'She's five?
And he is ten?
What are we doing to our children? '

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