Her Shoes Poem by Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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Her Shoes

By the doorway sits her shoes
They've walked many blocks and avenues,
They have stepped upon many stones and rocks
And many times though, without any socks.
They've hiked and jumped and walked and kicked
And now they are a little bit worn, and a little bit nicked,
But, like any good shoe they always did their duty
They were purchased for their task, and not their beauty.
When they are taken on a adventure or on a stroll
They too wear the journey upon their soul,
And when their laces are loosened and then unstrung
They'll speak it, as they too have a tongue.
They have walked in the water and also in the mud
Through hail and storms and even a flood,
They were worn to walk down many forgotten roads
They were created and bought to also carry all loads.
Over there they still sit all tarnished and used
But, never not once were they neglected or abused,
They did the tasks for whichthey were designed for
Now they sit and they wait, for their next chore.

Randy L. McClave

Saturday, February 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: adventure,journey
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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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