★ Her Eyes
☆ Poetry by Edwin Arlington Robinson
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I am really surprised to know about poet Lou Zhihai and to read his superb writing.
there are stars enough stars on the forehead of sky as like the eyes, the third eyes of God O the eyesight reflects on this earth as the shining light from dawn to twilight o the night is not dark for another sight and that is moon o enlightened the earth 24/7 by this heart feel nothing for this without love love and love since the sense of thinking to the endless unknown journey just love
A poignant and captivating narrative piece of poetry embellished in poetic rhyme and rhythm. Well conceived and elegantly brought forth with artistic brilliance. Thanks for sharing Luo and do remain enriched.
A creative and compelling composition with beautiful rhyme scheme that is refreshing!
wow what a beautiful poem love it please keep writing Inspired!
definitly, i will keep learning from you, you did a very beautiful translation. And the 'it' in the last sentence means 'her love', right?
Wow! What an amazing and heartfelt poem this is! Very emotionally captivating, intense and precise, filled with melancholy and yet so very beautiful. Gripped my heart in it's sadness all the way through. Very vivid and artistic portrayal of loss. Thank you for sharing, Luo. RoseAnn
Wow... Luo you are an amazing poet! ! I really like this poem, its quite sad and poignant. I loved all the lines. I'm from Pakistan and I'm quite interested in Chinese and Japenese poems. Please keep writing and do have a look on my work as well :)
You also made this poem vivid in Chinese language.Thank you for your translation.
Her beautiful eyes with passionate humour makes this poem entirely interesting. Nicely drafted.
Best and enjoyable translation from the English language. Marvelously put. Amazing work, Luo Sir!