Help Yourself, O Mykoul Poem by Mohammad Younus

Help Yourself, O Mykoul

Help yourself, O MyKoul,
Let your soul ascend.
Rise above the clamor, the fleeting haze—
Awaken the mind; let clarity blaze.
Do not let illusion seize the reins,
Nor let the world's whispers bind you in vain.
Keep moving, stay whole,
Let your breath flow free—
A river of life, an unbound sea.
Ignite your heart like the morning sun,
A flame that burns where shadows run.
Let the veils of falsehood turn to ash,
And let the light of truth be your path.
Know your fitrah, the primal key,
Truth engraved within your core,
A compass pointing to the Eternal Door.
Let awareness bloom—a garden within,
Where every petal whispers, "Return to Him."
Turn to the One, the All, the Ever-Being,
The unseen Source from whom all are seeing.
Row your boat across the sea of Oneness,
Where waves of love dissolve all loneliness.
Unshaken by the tides of doubt,
Sail with faith—let your heart cry out.
Flow with the current, not as a fragment,
For the ocean knows no separate drops.
You are the wave, the depth, the boundless tide,
A breath of the Whole, in the dance divine.
Bathe in the tides of unity,
Wash away the dust of duality.
Let no stain of illusion remain—
Be pure as untouched snow, a soul reborn.
For in this purity, you will see
The truth of what you were meant to be.
And in this knowing, find yourself—
A reflection of Truth, indivisible, whole.
Not a fleeting thought in the cosmic dream,
Not a shadow cast by shifting beams.
You are Haq—a spark of the Eternal Light,
The silent song between the seen and unseen.
So help yourself, O MyKoul,
For the journey is yours, and the path is clear.
Mountains may rise, valleys may fall,
Yet the light within shall conquer all.
Rise, awaken, and never cease—
You are the traveler, you are the peace.


Help Yourself, O Mykoul
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