Heartache And Break Poem by Kasi Navadomskis

Kasi Navadomskis

Kasi Navadomskis

United States
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Kasi Navadomskis
United States
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Heartache And Break

Rating: 5.0

heartache and heartbroken..you took me in
and made me yours. it ook me awhile
but i eventually fell in. your eyes showed sympathy
your words gave comfort, your heart showed love
until i found out the truth of what you've been doing
the whole time you were gone.

Carol-Anne Spalding 31 July 2009

very well written, expressed and communicated; one in which, I too, can relate; such heartache; we open our hearts carefully all the while guarded; then when we lower the protective wall, what we see, is not what we thought....and that is a heartache beyond words....

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Carissa Mcbride 26 September 2008

if you open your heart it will likely break. -BLEEDING MASCARA

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LaNka Fateye 03 March 2008

he made u trust him, but dan broked it down, , , later on in life, u'll realize it would b a pain to trust anothe person.... sayin from experience...... but if u'll have a long period relationship. the trust wil slowly apear.. ;)

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Kasi Navadomskis

Kasi Navadomskis

United States
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Kasi Navadomskis
United States
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