He Wants To Get Lost Poem by ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

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ONElia AVElar
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He Wants To Get Lost

Rating: 3.8

Alien streets where
he wants to get lost

Woman`s veins which he follows
with fingers from forehead to toes,

and the more he learns,
conquers and knows,

the more deep in his heart,
he wants to get lost.

It is sad, this is damn hard,
when he knows well the roads...

Dr.subhendu Kar 21 April 2008

lovely poem when wrought by the imagery, well penned,10/10, thanks for sharing

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Donall Dempsey 21 April 2008

Wonderfully wrought imagery that always astounds and delights me in its beauty and precision...I adore your words...their beauty and strength amaze me...and always make me want more...greedy for the next revealation...and the crisp newness of sensation. love Donall Donall

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wonderful streets, beautiful..............thanks for sharing

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Aashish Ameya 22 April 2008

again....nice poem...like it

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Abha Sharma 22 April 2008

The paradox behind knowing the roads and wanting to get lost forever is interesting……too much of sensory date may take to a blank road… well expressed novel thought............

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I'm returning to this superbly crafted piece. The content is not, of course, what the reader expects from the title, rendering it all the more clever. Wonderful analogy in the second stanza. I'd love to see more of this sort of work from you. t x

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Ashraful Musaddeq 27 August 2008

It's a good poem. So I gave my 10. Wonderful metaphysical poem!

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Chitra - 09 July 2008

wonderful metaphor makes the wisdom aquifer fuller

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Original Unknown Girl 05 June 2008

This is such an interesting poem. I like how you use the analogy of the veins of how they are the map to a very specific destination, the heart perhaps? HG: -) xx

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Dee Dee Wright 28 May 2008

I am lost...wandering through your words...and wondering...and not wanting to find a way out. Just leave me here curled up between your woman's viens and how the poetry flows through them. I fear if you were cut...poems...poems...would flow out! love Dee Dee

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ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

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ONElia AVElar
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