Happiness Poem by Rosanna Miller

Rosanna Miller

Rosanna Miller

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Rosanna Miller
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Rating: 5.0

I used to think that happiness was all there was to life
And I had a hard time, striving...
I used to keep my shadow side kept hidden deep inside
And then my mask slipped, I was hiding...

I can be me with the things that make me happy
Like rainbows on a cloudy day
My family, and how do you say?
My tribe, my kin, my friends, connections
I am me because I am part of you...

Music makes me happy as does helping people
Laughing at myself and playing the fool gives me access to small spaces
But I have a goddess inside aching to live large and encompass joyous abandon!
I no longer need the mask...the goddess shines and that makes me happy.

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness,joy
Gajanan Mishra 15 October 2017

goddess shine and make me happy, thganks sir.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 October 2017

Music has great role in life. Music makes a man happy ever. Music gives real joy of life to feel in silence or in crowd. This is brilliant poem excellently penned.10

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Jim Crane 15 October 2017

A lovely positive poem.

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Rosanna Miller

Rosanna Miller

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Rosanna Miller
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