Sky poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best sky poems ever written. Read all poems about sky.
To and fro, to and fro
In my little boat I go
Sailing far across the sea
All alone, just little me.
At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.
I must go down to the sea again,
to the lonely sea and the sky;
I left my shoes and socks there -
I wonder if they're dry?
My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
Romantic rains falls
Sky leans on the earth to give
mouth watering kiss
What is above all these chimneys, I asked the young lad,
The chimney sweep boy replied,
Why Sir, it's the sky which is sometimes so blue,
That when I look up and glance at the view,
Bend low again, night of summer stars.
So near you are, sky of summer stars,
So near, a long-arm man can pick off stars,
Pick off what he wants in the sky bowl,
Before you came things were just what they were:
the road precisely a road, the horizon fixed,
the limit of what could be seen,
a glass of wine was no more than a glass of wine.
a strange flower
for birds and butterflies
the autumn sky
Across the red sky two birds flying,
Flying with drooping wings.
Silent and solitary their ominous flight.
All day the triumphant sun with yellow banners
On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.
The infinite sky is motionless overhead and the restless water is boisterous. On the seashore of endless worlds the children meet with shouts and dances.
</>When you wake up at 6 O'clock Am, and take a look from your window
You see an amazing sight, a beautiful light makes the sky glows
You feel a power comes when you inhale the breeze of the dancing flowers
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
By and by Man will try
To get out into the sky,
Sailing far beyond the air
From Down and Here to Up and There.
Helen of Troy had a wandering glance;
Sappho's restriction was only the sky;
Ninon was ever the chatter of France;
Cold night: the wild duck,
sick, falls from the sky
and sleeps awhile.
jeg så en sky som var en stein
jeg så en sky med fire bein
jeg så en sky som var av sølv
jeg så en sky som var et føll
jeg så en sky som reiste seg opp
jeg så en sky som hadde fått kropp
jeg så en sky som var en kalv
jeg så en sky som var blitt halv
jeg så en sky som var en svale
jeg så en sky som lå i dvale
jeg så en sky som var uten lyte
jeg så en sky som kunne flyte
jeg så en sky som var en svane
jeg så en sky som var en hane
jeg så en sky som var i ekstase
jeg så en sky som var en vase
jeg så en sky som var en lilje
jeg så en sky som hadde vilje
jeg så en sky som var en rose
jeg så en sky som kunne lose
jeg så en sky som var en skute
jeg så en sky som var i rute
jeg så en sky som var av aske
jeg så en sky som bar en maske
jeg så en sky i uniform
jeg så en sky som var en orm
jeg så en sky i et parlament
jeg så en sky med permanent
jeg så en sky som var en trone
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jeg så en sky som var astronom
jeg så en sky som var monokrom
jeg så en sky med en gyllen kant
jeg så en sky som var elegant
jeg så en sky som var helt svart
jeg så en sky i sakte fart
jeg så en sky som var eksplosiv
jeg så en sky med et direktiv
jeg så en sky som virket trøtt
jeg så en sky som gikk i rødt
For every moment that the sun touch the sky for a bird shall sing a sweet song of respect but there a heart that wish for the touch of respect some where in the land of respect for one shall feel the hand of the angel of respect that will fill a heart with respect yet some where there a rose that been touch with respect for every star that touch the sky is the angel of respect.
Just to feel the sun is like being touch by the angel of respect for who's heart is fill with respect some where a heart beat for the touch of respect but yet when the moon raiser to touch the sky for one will feel the touch of respect oh lovely even for there a heart that wish for the touch if the angel hand of respect every star that touch the sky is the angel of respect.
When one who sit by a open window thus one wish for the angel of respect to touch a heart but for when the sun raise thus the sun shall warm a heart with respect night after night for some where a heart sit a lone for it wish to feel the hand of the angel that will fill a heart with respect but just when one wish the touch of respect thus every heart that been touch shall feel the breeze that whisper in the air and yet open sky is like the house of respect.
Thus when the sky open for it's open to touch a heart with respect for every heart tat wish for the touch of respect will feel the light of life for it's the light of respect that one feel but just to look to the sky for the eyes of the angel will sparkle in the sky for it's the house of the angel with a open door oh what a feel to be touch with the hand of the angel for who's heart is fill with respect a open sky is like the house of the angel of respect.
For when the sky is blue thus a bird will sing a sweet song and yet for every song that the bird sing thus a rose will bloom in full just to feel the sun is like being touch by a rose that been fill with respect but where there a heart there happiness with a warm smile but when the sun touch the sky thus there a heart that wish for respect but the morning the sun touch the sky with respect.
Every moment that the sun touch the sky form one feel the touch of respect in the air just to see a rose ism like looking in the eyes of the angel for who's heart is full of respect to touch a heart with oh what a beautiful morning for the birds to sing a sweet song of respect but to the family that fill the air respect mean a lot to a heart that been touch with respect and yet the morning the sun touch the sky with respect.
For every green tree that been touch with respect thus every heart shall be touch with respect but just to see the birds that touch the blue sky for every bird will sing a sweet song of respect for it's respect that a heart wish to feel and yet when a heart been touch for a rose will bloom in full with respect for every heart is like a rose that wish for the touch of respect thus when the sky is touch thus it's the angel of respect.
Some where the angel of respect wait with open arms just to fill a heart with respect the more the angel fill a heart the more beautiful the day become and yet just to look in the eyes of the family for one see the touch of respect that will touch fill the sky with respect for a heart to feel night after night for every star will touch a for every touch of a heart the more the bird will fill the sky yet some where a heart sleep for the more a heart sleep the more a heart dream of respect and yet when the sky is touch thus it's the angel of respect.
Every min that the sky is clear thus the family shall shine in the sky for the sky is the home of the angel of respect for who fill the sun with respect but yet when every rose that one see will bloom in full just to touch a heart that wish for respect yet when a rose touch a heart thus a lily will touch a heart that wish to feel the touch of respect day or night thus respect is in the air for a heart to feel thus the eyes of the sky is the eyes of the angel.
For one who see a bird thus one see the angel of respect for it's the angel that will fill a heart with respect but yet when one feel a warm smile for it's the sun that been fill with the touch of respect but just to look to the sky is like being held by the angel of respect some where on the land of respect for one who dream of being touch with respect angel of the sky for where the that wish for respect and yet one wish to be touch with respect even if one shall look in the eyes of the angel for the eyes of the sky is the eyes of the angel.
Thus the day is a beautiful day but for every min that the sun shine for a bird shall sing a sweet song of respect just to touch a heart with respect but yet for every blue sky thus the sun shall kiss the sky with respect to touch a heart that wish for respect the more a heart wish for the touch of respect the more one will feel the hand of the angel but yet for every smile the family shall touch the sky.
Where there a heart for there is happiness for the heart that wish for respect a rose will bloom in full and yet when the moon touch the sky for the family will touch a heart that wish for respect just to be touch with respect is like being touch by a lily that the angel fill with respect oh what a lovely night just to see the family with a warm smile of respect yet for every smile thus the family shall touch the sky.
Thus what a beautiful day for a bird to touch the morning sky with respect thus every rose that one see is the rose of the angel of respect but when one look to the sky for one see the eyes of the angel for who's heart is fill with respect and yet for every touch of the angel hand for once eyes shall sparkle in the sky just to feel the night breeze that whisper in the air thus one will be touch by a lily that will touch a heart but where there is eyes of the angel for there respect.
Yet for one who wish thus one see the eyes in the sky that will touch a heart with respect thus every min that one feel the breeze for it's the angel that one feel when the angel whisper respect but for every heart some where there a heart that wish for the touch of respect but yet when the moon touch the sky for it touch the sky with the light of life but to the family that fill the air with respect for respect mean a lot to a heart that wish for respect oh beautiful night for where is the angel that will touch a heart with respect thus for where there is eyes of the angel for there respect.
Thus when the sun raise for every bird that one see is the sun that been touch with respect just to fill a heart but when one feel a warm smile for every warm smile is the smile of respect just to look to the sky for one will see the eyes of the angel for who's heart is full of respect but some where there a heart that wish for the touch of respect for when respect touch the sky for it's the angel.
Every min that a heart wish for respect the more a rose shall bloom I full to touch a heart that wish to feel respect for time after time a rose will touch a heart and yet one w2ill feel the warm smile of the angel of respect for the sky is the house of the angel for who's eye will sparkle in the sky just to hear a bird sing a sweet song of respect the stronger respect shall get when it touch a heart with respect but yet when respect touch the sky for it's the angel.
For one who look to the sky thus one see the home of the angel and yet for every star thus a lily will bloom like a rose of the land of respect thus when one feel a warm smile for every warm smile shall warm a heart with respect for where there a heart thus there happiness in the heart that been touch with respect just to feel the beautiful sun rays is like feeling the touch of a warm smile and yet the sky of the angel is home of the angel.
Oh beautiful blue sky thus when will one see the angel of respect for a heart wish to feel the touch of respect in once heart but when the moon raise thus one feel the light of life touch a heart for the heart that been touch shall beat the sound of respect thus the more the light touch a heart for every rose shall bloom in full with the touch of respect to catch a star for one will wish for the touch of respect for respect mean ma lot to a heart that wish for respect look to the sky of the angel is the home of the angel.
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