Guess Who Poem by Tareq Jalabi

Tareq Jalabi

Tareq Jalabi

Russian Federation
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Tareq Jalabi
Russian Federation
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Guess Who

Rating: 4.3

he is the inspiration
to my every creation
Concerning my life and education
he helps me move every cloud
that stands in my way
telling me how proud
of me, he is every day
clouds! i have no more
preventing me from flying
thanks to my mentor
who taught me to keep climbing

Anjali Sinha 20 June 2008

Hey, I guessed it---a lovely tribute to your mentor and guide-- gud rhyming too. keep writing i like it. regards anju

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Bianca B. 20 June 2008

Its a poem appreciating your mentor sweet

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Mohammad Al-kurdi 26 June 2008

it's just like i'm flying where nothing is harming .....................guess where........great piece.

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Hana K 04 August 2008

I thought you're talking about your father....

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Nikki Clevenger 18 November 2008

Very inspirational! I really liked this one!

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he deserves the thanks..well said poem, ..

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Noha El3wdy 23 May 2009

its great to feel so, to have some one to inspire you so nice

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Janell Cressman 09 March 2009

A very up lifting poem that makes you feel good. nice one.

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Laila lili 09 January 2009

wonderful and nice the person who wrote it for you should read it in my opinion we should thanks every one who touch us even if it was one lettter i wish alyawes for you the best Laila Lili

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Naidz Ladia 07 January 2009

HE s very proud of u for thz wrds u described bout him..ur too gud for expressing ur heartfelt thanks 4 him....ths s a nice poem, , , naizz

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Tareq Jalabi

Tareq Jalabi

Russian Federation
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Tareq Jalabi
Russian Federation
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