Gossip Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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James McLain
From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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Rating: 1.0

Hearing gossip about people will change the way,
your eyes see them — literally.
Trees, moss and beards while I have muscles.

Negative gossip actually alters the way,
our visual system responds to a particular face and the smile.
Causing the moon to loose it glow and luster.

Who am I,
to suggest that the human brain
is wired to respond to positive or negative
regardless of truth to dial soap, okra gossip.

And it adds to the evidence that gossip,
helped early woman telling the wrong men all goings on,
to what was never said, getting your head.

Gossip is helping you to predict who is your friend,
and some one else,
whom was never your friend,
and some how is now your friend, instead of your foe.

Secondhand information about your person,
can have a positive boost.
More often than not a devastating reversal effects.
Is not a tree stronger when deeper the roots?

Once hearsay has opened your eyes and lips,
we the us,
they caught up in the moment one second now.
Watching the hour of power,
they to them,
somehow see someone in a certain light the wrong way.
Abuse becomes right.
Light become dark flowers die.

More than accidents happen that way.
Each direction becomes a one way street.
It is more than possible that we,
literally all see them in a different mirror.
The one that we are not seeing through to our own.
Never owning up,
Yours is how to me Gossips, every things differently?

Chinedu Dike 01 September 2020

Really an insightful piece on gossip written with clarity of thought and mind. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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James McLain
From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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