'Goodbye' Poem by lil island Gal

lil island Gal

lil island Gal

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lil island Gal
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Rating: 5.0

Looking out my window at the stars,
wondering how we drifted so far,
wondering if our love was ever true,
but forever in my heart I know that I LOVE YOU,
I learned that no matter how hard I try,
its all going to end up in a final GOODBYE.


I will remember him not as the one who broke my heart,
but as the one who taught me how to live with a broken heart..!


Sadiqullah Khan 09 January 2009

This is good love, but break the spell, , ,

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! ~ RAJNISH JENA ~! 10 January 2009

its really a good poem.short and painful..and i feel sometime we don't trust the words of others as we think of ourself only......someone promised not to leave me but told goodbye....so i can feel whta you are feeling....... its nice creation and keep writing like this

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Akram Awadat 13 January 2009

ya very beatiful poem, nice words thanks

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Saadat Tahir 18 May 2009

I will remember him not as the one who broke my heart, but as the one who taught me how to live with a broken heart..! almost a proverb u fashioned there... great writing cheers

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Muhammad Ali 30 April 2009

It is simple and straight poem dear friend! very honest, it reflects the inner scenary! and I always feeling nice for those who get me in some emotional troubles.. they put us to the real test of life, and that is how we can learn something true! you are right! 10

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Miriam Maia Padua 20 January 2009

WOW....strong young lady it shows in your poem.....its just like 'Smile behind the Pain' i like your lines 'I will remember him not as the one who broke my heart, but as the one who taught me how to live with a broken heart..! ' ....positive outlook on LOVE....10++++++++

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 20 January 2009

Don't say goodbye when he's not.

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~ Jon London ~ 17 January 2009

This is such a touching piece, the words echoe the feeling..that is sure to ripple across distant waters..to reach a loves heart....excellent flow of emotion. best of health & happiness Jon

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lil island Gal

lil island Gal

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lil island Gal
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