Good-night? ah! no; the hour is ill
Which severs those it should unite;
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.
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The pain of " Goodnight" is expressed so well in this poem!
yeah the night is good and beautiful too me graceful the night and the dark of lonely night only for darling only of you O love
We can't imagine a better way to say or not to say 'Good night' to our near and dear ones. Simply wonderful.
This is subliminal! The diction is very simple, brief and concise. The emotion and relunctancy of missing one's lover through the night is well conveyed. Thumbs up for PBS!
This is subliminal! The diction is very simple, brief and concise. The emotion and relunctancy of missing one's lover through the night is well conveyed. Thumbs up for PBS!
To Sleep Calm down my friend we’re all going to die Don’t get caught up like the fly in the web You may and you must sleep every night Not annually, monthly or weekly like tax returns, utility bills or putting out the bins Flick the switch and watch your woes burn in fires of hell The rich and poor burn at different degrees To sleep now
An amusing early 19th century version of Let's Spend the Night Together.
A beautiful and very passionate piece of poetry.