Wanna talk with you about God in valuing social justice....
Therefore I take some textx from the Bible
Thank you so much for reading:
"Do not hold back what is good to whom it belongs,
when it's in your power to do it.
Don't tell your neighbor, "Go and come back tomorrow and I'll give it" -
if you have it with you. (Proverbs 3: 27-28)
Living well and sensibly can be very down-to-earth.
As it says here, treat others well
when it is in your power to do so.
It starts by simply giving others the good they deserve,
do not hold back for our own profit.
God made that very clear in Leviticus 19: 13:
"You must not oppress or rob your neighbor.
The wages of a daytime worker stay with you all night until the morning ".
There are countless examples throughout history
of people who exploit fellow humans.
This angers God, and He will not leave it unpunished.
For example, read what God says in Malachi 3: 5 -
'Then I will approach you for judgment.
I will be a swift witness against those who oppress the day shift worker in his wages,
the widow and the fatherless, against those who pushed the stranger aside,
and do not fear me, saith the Lord of hosts ".
Giving others the good they deserve may seem so trivial -
not exceptionally wise or holy.
And yet this often goes wrong that we need to be explicitly reminded:
"He told you, oh man, what is good;
and what does the Lord ask of you?
but to do justice and to love goodness,
and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6: 8) .
How can we help the people around us?
This has been asked a bit of us,
we who have it so well....
And last but not the least, In another very short Surah Al-Asr God says By the declining day, Man is [deep] in loss, Except for those who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge one another to steadfastness. Your poem reminded me all these beautiful surah (verses) God Bless You and Your Family.10+++++++
In another versus Surah Al-Humazah Almighty says: Woe to every fault-finding backbiter, Who amassed riches, counting them over, Thinking they will make him live for ever, No indeed! He will be thrust into the Crusher! What will explain to you what the Crusher is? It is God’s Fire, made to blaze, Which rises over people’s hearts. It closes in on them In towering columns....
Very true and the last revelation the Holy Quran also mentions the same things like: Sura: Al-Ma'un: [Prophet], have you considered the person who denies the Judgement? It is he who pushes aside the orphan, And does not urge others to feed the needy. So woe to those who pray, But are heedless of their prayer, Those who are all show and forbid common kindnesses.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
God teaches us values. We should learn these and keep in practice daily. God greatly motivates us in righteous path. Reading Bible we can learn many things and we can be aware about righteous morals. To receive good from others we should give good and we should keep it in habit. We should treat others very well. Good behaviour receives good opportunity. This excellent poem carries deep Biblical philosophy..10