God - The Ultimate Satisfaction Poem by Nazmul Haque

Nazmul Haque

Nazmul Haque

Sirajgang, Bangladesh
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Nazmul Haque
Sirajgang, Bangladesh
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God - The Ultimate Satisfaction

Satisfaction is just a moment’s illusion,
One has not even felt it and it is gone-
Just a dewdropp slipping on the grass leaf;

God is the one who satisfies,
Without God there is no satisfaction.
You can go on searching-
You may find many things in life-
but nothing is going to satisfy.

That’s how you come across satisfaction,
one desire is satisfied –
for a moment you feel good,
But as one desire disappears,
ten desires arise in its place,
and the non-ending process goes on.

Only with God does that process stop,
that wheel moves no more.
When you come to see God,
feel God, live God,
all desiring disappears –
You are utterly satisfied, now and forever.

Everything else in life only promises,
but they are false promises,
the goods are never delivered - only dreaming,
It is always there like the horizon –
ever seen but never crossed by.

So whatsoever satisfies you
totally, absolutely and forever,
is what God is-
God is another name for
that which satisfies.

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Nazmul Haque

Nazmul Haque

Sirajgang, Bangladesh
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Nazmul Haque
Sirajgang, Bangladesh
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