Maker of everything.
Bringer to life.
Perfection of harmony.
Creator majestic beautiful.
Eternal being all.
Vessel's of GODS spirit.
Unification with GOD.
Mortal is our clay.
Time becomes folly.
Our family of GOD.
12/29/2009 POEWHIT
....And God is smiling with his blessings for you....reading such a beautiful poem! !
This is very beautiful and profound and written in excellence. You are really blessed to have such a gift at writing! 10+++++++++++++++
Your poem makes a vibe of commune with GOD 10 Ms. Nivedita UK ]10++ PS It puts me litmus test of God feeling...thanks Sir...
very nice and comprehend. i like your economy of words. thanks for sharing.
Actually, in the new mathematics of the most advanced sort, the sum of everything is zero! Now what is God, and what created Him?
Maker of everything. Bringer to life. Perfection of harmony. Creator majestic beautiful.... maker of everything.. what a nice composition sir.. enjoyed if full....10
Maker of everything. Bringer to life. Perfection of harmony .Creator majestic beautiful...lovely write and time for introspection....1o read mine..lovely reality.