God Forgives Poem by Walterrean Salley

Walterrean Salley

Walterrean Salley

Savannah, Ga
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Walterrean Salley
Savannah, Ga
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God Forgives

Rating: 5.0

Put all man's failures in a heap,
And then they would exceed the skies.
But God's great mercy far exceeds
The sum of all man's sinful pride.

For all the heart can think, or do,
Or dream in its deceptive mode—
He has a plan for me and you:
Forgiveness (a divine code) .

It is a mystery divine
How God forgives our failures all
And beckons one with love sublime
Tho' few dare answer His clear call.

Oh lovely deity Divine
I take thy mercy to be mine.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: god,sin,forgiveness
Joseph Anderson 14 January 2016

Beautiful thoughts and highly reverent It would profit us all to think in this manner.Splendid flow and rhyme. A dear and precious write

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Hans Vr 27 July 2015

Beautiful, Salley. You capture one of the essentials of almost every religion in these wonderful verses

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Walterrean Salley 09 July 2015

I agree V. 100% Thanks.

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 08 July 2015

WS, you have been convinced But God’s great mercy far exceeds The sum of all man’s sinful vice. It may be true as well, but we have to be responsible for our own acts.. Thank you for sharing

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Walterrean Salley

Walterrean Salley

Savannah, Ga
follow poet
Walterrean Salley
Savannah, Ga
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