God Children Poem by Satheesan Rangorath

Satheesan Rangorath

Satheesan Rangorath

Elappulli, Palakkad, Kerala, India
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Satheesan Rangorath
Elappulli, Palakkad, Kerala, India
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God Children

Rating: 3.4

As a spark I live in you.
Kindle a fire in the dawn.
I invoke you in my heart,
Feeling, your warmth spread,
slowly all through my body.

I watch your eyes smile,
At the soft touch of my lips.
I can feel your milky breath,
As I hold you close by,
in tender loving embrace...

I want you forever as my child,
To see this world as you see
Fresh and fine, fantasy filled
Soft and subtle serene and scenic
Untainted by the colours or creed

For you I offer my shoulders
Rest on me as and when
My breasts full; thrill to feed you.
With milk of my compassion
Nectar of my graceful love

I cherish you as a divine star,
fallen in my lap from heaven.
Tickling your soft pink chin,
I fondle you as my dream,
watching your little gums part.

In the cradle of my soft thoughts,
I swing you on, making you sleep.
by singing a lullaby,
I enter, in your dream watching you,
then wake you up into my dream,
stretching my hands to hold you.

Often you rise above me,
floating by angelic wings.
awe struck I watch you,
gleaming in purity of love
Oh! god you are so innocent.

Note- This poem was published in a monthly spiritual magazine 'Mathruvaani' May 2008 issue

Clarence Prince 17 May 2015

A good read, nice poem! Well done, Satheesan!

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Greenwolfe 1962 16 June 2008

I don't believe I have ever heard or read a description of a child put this way. That is very creative by the writer and very interesting for the reader. I can certainly recomment this. I did not vote on this. I could not decide. GW62

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O Anna Niemus 07 June 2008

Sat Thee Are Santi.. Santiswarupa!

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Rema Prasanna 07 June 2008

a beautifully penned wonder, it emancipates soul from body, great mind’s great relationship with God understandably described, happy and pleasant feeling this poem generates, a very good write and thank you for sharing Rema

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Kesav Easwaran 03 June 2008

In the cradle of my soft thoughts, I swing you on, making you sleep. by singing a lullaby, I enter, in your dream watching you, then wake you up into my dream, stretching my hands to hold you. in these lines satheesan tells us how lovingly he holds God in his mind! a lullaby to Him who makes this universe sleep dream and swing back to life each day... good write sateesan! why not a ten!

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Satheesan Rangorath

Satheesan Rangorath

Elappulli, Palakkad, Kerala, India
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Satheesan Rangorath
Elappulli, Palakkad, Kerala, India
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