God Poem by Ravi Panamanna

Ravi Panamanna

Ravi Panamanna

Ottapalam- Kerala State- India
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Ravi Panamanna
Ottapalam- Kerala State- India
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Rating: 4.6

Among the books
I was in long search.
Beyond the lines
He was only an understanding.

Among the stars
I was in a long exploration.
Beyond the black holes
He was all a background radiation.

Among the micro world
I was in deep research.
Beyond the Quantum world
He was all an energy field.

In the laws of the universe
His intelligence was ever felt.
Within the mechanisms of life
His lingering presence was felt.

Yet, within the web of reasoning
I was an encircling bird.
Beyond the glimpses of truth
His pulses to me were faint.

Then I closed my books,
Put my pen down and cartload of knowledge.
I peeped out of my window
And decided to take an evening stroll.

I went out to the open dales,
New springs were seen, voices heard.
And in the whispering wind of life
His loving touch was ever felt.

I returned home, contended,
I realized the following truth.
God is intelligence behind Natural laws,
He is pure wisdom behind the movement of life.

Seema Chowdhury 27 April 2009

this is the best poem you ever wrote.10+. excellent write and true feelings flows from your heart that can be felt in these pure words of wisdom. thanks alot for sharing. take care

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Christine Kerr 27 April 2009

I'm not one bit religious but did enjoy your last two lines. Believe they honestly sum you belief up. Good work

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thoughtful piece, thanks for sharing

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Carl Harris 27 April 2009

To understand and know God, all one has to do is observe the constant wonders of nature around us. No fine clock ever devised by man is as intricate as the fabric of nature in it's daily workings, living proof that the creator of all we know set His hand to it. Your poem expresses this truth very well. Carl.

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Louis Rams 27 April 2009

a log search, and an excellent finding of GOD in your walk and with him, your heart did talk. beautifully written! a double ten

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Sally Plumb Plumb 04 May 2009

This is a wonderful poem.

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Joseph Poewhit 02 May 2009

Poem paints a good picture of GODS magnitude. GOD is all. Enerything is GOD. GODS intelligent spirit energy formed matter living. Never ending infinite presence in everything.

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Catrina Heart 02 May 2009

A well thought out poem...finely constructed.....great craft!

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Kranthi Pothineni 29 April 2009

A well structured poem with a meaning content. Good write.

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A touching theology that is well written!

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Ravi Panamanna

Ravi Panamanna

Ottapalam- Kerala State- India
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Ravi Panamanna
Ottapalam- Kerala State- India
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