Getting Into The Head And Getting Out Of The Heart Poem by Ponniah Ganeshan

Ponniah Ganeshan

Ponniah Ganeshan

Sri Lanka
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Ponniah Ganeshan
Sri Lanka
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Getting Into The Head And Getting Out Of The Heart

I am at my wit's end, not to know
what to do
Of what happening around me,
The things I see with my naked eyes,
Are turned to be onlya dream
The things I hear and thingsthat Iread,
Are turned to be onlyan imaginary
With no reality.
All these seem to be a mystery
Withoutany understanding to me.

I amat my wit's end, not to know
what to do
Of what happening around me
Time moves slowly unlike the days I enjoyed
In the past
And I kill and kill the time to live my life
As ifit is my last day now on this earth!

Everything in the world is twofold
Day moves with night and night with day
Men move with women and women with men
Positive versus negative
The world is at its wheel.
It is the outcome of thinking more
Without getting out of the head
And forgetting of feeling more and more
Without getting into the heart
And suffer!

Friday, July 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
pushpadeva 31 July 2018

And I kill and kill the time to live my life As if it is my last day now on this earth! every one might be thinking that we have last hour in the earth so this is a nice poem

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Ponniah Ganeshan 12 August 2018

Thank you so much for your comment

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Ponniah Ganeshan

Ponniah Ganeshan

Sri Lanka
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Ponniah Ganeshan
Sri Lanka
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