Gentleness Poem by Godfrey Morris

Godfrey Morris

Godfrey Morris

Kingston, Jamaica
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Godfrey Morris
Kingston, Jamaica
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Rating: 4.7

The price to be gentle is sometimes steep

And at times it even make you weep

Some try to use, others abuse

Which make you bereft and then bemused

And like sudden rain on a public fair

Chagrin's dark cloud reappears

Being gentle is soft they say

Yet strength there lies in so tender ways

Unrelenting restraint against all odds

Cathartic redemption, in it stands

Gentleness, a gift, a priceless gem from natures glow

The fountain where nobility flows

Its virtue, is a diamond to behold

Hidden in an opaque and dusty earth, pure and bold

Forever seeking, never deceiving

Helping those, who are desperately needing

I choose to write on this virtue, that is so lacking in our everyday lives. Yet gentleness is at times taken for granted.In the end however, with gentleness peace will always prevail.
Lenore Lee 08 May 2012

Yes... it is in gentleness and kindness that truly prevails in life; not cruelty and brutality. Wonderful thoughts there with an equally wonderful rhyming scheme.

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Bancroft Boreland 11 May 2012

Being a gentle person myself, i can relate to the words of this poem. in our society, gentleness if often mistaken for weakness.

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C S 14 May 2012

Yes i can relate if only everyone were the gentle among us would not be thought of weak and used.... but without kindness what a world it would be

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Karen Sinclair 27 June 2012

So so true and eloquently flowed... and sometimes being gentle takes far more strength than is believable...probably one of my favourite words which i truly aspire to having the grace to forward..tyvm karen

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Anurag Talukdar 26 July 2012

I liked the way you have structured the poem. A praiseworthy endeavor!

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Roseann Shawiak 16 January 2016

Gentleness comes from the soul and permeates our entire beings when we allow it to. It is a genuine strength in the weakness of the human being. Being seen when a mother holds a newborn baby, as a new father looks with wonder at his first child, when children play together, when a person reaches out to unselfishly help another in need. This poem brings out the simplicity of being gentle. Love it! Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Hans Vr 06 November 2015

Wow, this is so beautifully said, superb poem. The wisdom expressed here completely in line my most internal convictions.

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 06 September 2015

A nice tribute to an underestimated virtue in the world of cruelty! Long live truly gentle men and women, and you the poet of gentleness!

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Uma Ram 31 March 2015

Beautifully written sir...the metaphors- priceless gem, diamond, fountain of nobility............thanks for sharing sir

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Heather Wilkins 05 June 2013

It is so easy to be cruel and mean, but it takes strength to be gentle A soft touch is much more effective. excellent penning

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Godfrey Morris

Godfrey Morris

Kingston, Jamaica
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Godfrey Morris
Kingston, Jamaica
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