Monday, December 14, 2009

~ Game Of Songs ~ Comments

Rating: 4.6

Ms. Nivedita
[To Poet John Knight ~ Christmas poetic nosegays]
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Nithin Purple 12 January 2013

well written and nice

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Fayeda Vanimel 13 August 2011

standing opposite side by diving in to your song, , ........

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Louis Cecile 29 November 2010

I enjoyed the rhythm of this poem. The way it sways till the silent ending. Very interesting take on the subject. great work

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Kevin Carney 04 October 2010

Great poem, about lovers on opposites sides or far away. You really express love in a interesting way. Isn't love really a game of songs? Beatifully written and quite beautiful in the words you write.

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Rinki Nandy 16 July 2010

In the dense darkness of Rapture-full silent night... i want to play such a game too if it is the appeal to break the monotony n perish the longing....indeed a captivating write with words generating the ambience...for deep rooted feelings...more like a painting it is...with bold colors of dreaming a dream n concluding with the urgency to face n rejoice in the beyond.10++++ thanks sharing...

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Dwi Utami 10 July 2010

hey girl what do you think abou game and songs? But your poem is good.gud luck,

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Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar 03 July 2010

words help you picture your feelings more than its life size.10. shan

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Sally Plumb Plumb 28 June 2010

I've read this a second time... I have played this game.

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Louis Rams 17 June 2010

it matters not the distance apart, only what comes out of your heart. so let him play the joys of that flute, as long as it brings him closer to you.

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Game of songs with you Game of distance is, These are the games we play, games of life and games of love. And games of distant yearning.

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Pranab K Chakraborty 14 June 2010

The fragrance is quiet known, but the applied field is beyond expectation. You have efficiency in the poetic-kitchen as a poet-cook. Fantastic. It proves nothing new to be told on the earth, expressions only we can contribute as new. Except sacrificing a life, nothing could be more delicious as a gift than this writing. Reader may be much greedy to get such invitation though they are not John Knight, they have no such talent to ring the human heart by lyrical rhythm, yet...yet...yet.... Regards, 10++++++ Apoet

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Raju Baruah 09 June 2010

...Game of songs with you Game of distance is, Me in agony play flute All the time, ... words are floating with your feelings to make this beautiful piece...really a wonderful verse...Thanks

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Sally Plumb Plumb 01 June 2010

I'm sure he will come to you soon.

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Sadiqullah Khan 31 May 2010

This last stanza has a different flow, and at the end you tell us who he is. [Thanks for sharing]

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Aha ohhoo sure its very good [poem especially the title]… Indeed Niv you try to imbue in RNT and your adoption and adaptation is sincere and needs calorie burning and your work is grueling I can definitely feel… Thanks for helping Non-Bengali readers for getting flavor and gamut of magic of RNT When, O Dear yourself will come Take my flute to play, In the dense darkness of Rapture-full silent night Indeed touching the heart and elevating and tuning emotions at very high scale 10+++

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Afzal Shauq 15 April 2010

a lovely poem is this..i enjoyed it alot

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Indira Babbellapati 07 April 2010

it has lyrical resonance about it...

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Marieta Maglas 02 April 2010

''Take my flute to play'' very nice lyric poem, thank you for sharing.

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Gautam Sen 23 February 2010

Game of Songs - a wonderful title. Style too is nice. Enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.

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Roza Roy 21 February 2010

Simply wonderful Loved your title and last line “Rapture-full silent night” A true poet, keep writing.. ♥ Roza

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