From The Summit Poem by Valsa George

Valsa George

Valsa George

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Valsa George
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From The Summit

Rating: 4.9

From the jagged summit of the mount
Looking down, I see a chasm near
Now I have to climb down this cliff
Each slope n' ridge with utmost care

It makes me shudder from head to foot
That a single negligent or faulty step
Can land me in the base of the abyss below
Unnerving me like sailors in a sinking ship

It is so rugged, perilous and slippery
With narrow, tapering and razor edges
Climbing up was so much easier
Getting down it seems needs sledges

But how long can I remain here
Lashed by the scorching heat of the sun
No, I have to descend down
And set my feet on the level plain

Had it been so risky to climb
What made me aspire for the height?
A restless impulse that urges one
To be gritty like a medieval knight

Again it is the uncanny delight
In doing that so exquisitely challenging
And the desire to stun and mesmerize others
Also oneself by such deeds of daring

On wings of dreams and steeds of speed
Man has ever been on the run
To conquer unmapped realms queer
To quench his fancy for thrill and fun!

Friday, October 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: adventure
Geetha Jayakumar 24 October 2014

Beautiful poem Valsa. Very true said, climbing summit is as tough as landing safely down. We can tell, when we climb we are more excited and curious to know, what is there in summit. May be we are more energetic. While getting down, one can see all the way down and know its consequence of falling down. May be we are little frightened too. While getting down excitements too fall down.. A thoughtful write. I loved the way you presented it.

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Saheb Mohapatra 24 October 2014

YES THIS HAPPENS WHEN WE BECOME SO HAPPY EVEN IF WE ARE IN THE HALF WAY TO SUCCESS......which is normally seen in the summit regions as you have mentioned......good example and a great lesson to the mankind......good poem....thanks

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 24 October 2014

A great piece with a great message......Valsa......a man aspires for the summit and after reaching fears to climb down can be summed up in a life of a man that usually happens.....beautifully crafted with wonderful words

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Mantu Mahakul 24 October 2014

It is so rugged but climbing up was so much easier. Nice message transferred in this poem From the Summit. Excellent writing and great piece of work.

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Ramesh Rai 25 October 2014

A very much true well crafted with your beutiful ink conceying a message for all climbers. No, I have to descend down And set my feet on the level plain. It is must for every climbers to follow this rule. A brilliant write both inspirational n aspirational. certainly deserving poem

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 May 2019

On wings of dreams and steeds of speed Man has ever been on the run To conquer unmapped realms To quench his fancy for thrill and moving. A great write on adventure. Thanks for sharing.

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Akhtar Jawad 19 August 2017

On wings of dreams and steeds of speed Man has ever been on the run To conquer unmapped realms queer To quench his fancy for thrill and fun! ....................A great write.

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Edward Kofi Louis 10 February 2016

Much needed in life to move on! Nice piece of work.

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Loke Kok Yee 31 October 2015

Be careful Valsa we are not getting younger a beautiful read-10

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Daniel Brick 05 November 2014

Yhe theme is clearly expressed in the line THE DESIRE TO STUN AND MESMERIZE OTHERS/AND ONESELF BY SUCH DEEDS OF DARING. But this is thought/spoken when you are at the peak and preparing unsuccessfully to get down. It's a genuine conundrum. (P.S. I hope I don't get myself in such a bind!) I feel so much tension reading this, and adding to that tension is the inconclusive ending. And you don't resolve that tension. In a sense, we have to take it with us after leaving the poem.

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Valsa George

Valsa George

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Valsa George
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