From The Dark Tower Poem by Countee Cullen

Countee Cullen

Countee Cullen

New York
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Countee Cullen
New York
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From The Dark Tower

Rating: 3.3

We shall not always plant while others reap
The golden increment of bursting fruit,
Not always countenance, abject and mute,
That lesser men should hold their brothers cheap;
Not everlastingly while others sleep
Shall we beguile their limbs with mellow flute,
Not always bend to some more subtle brute;
We were not made to eternally weep.
The night whose sable breast relieves the stark,
White stars is no less lovely being dark,
And there are buds that cannot bloom at all
In light, but crumple, piteous, and fall;
So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds,
And wait, and tend our agonizing seeds.

Dawn Fuzan 11 May 2014

Countree, this is a good piece

10 6 Reply
Sebastian Perry 03 July 2014

so good, it seems to me he's under-appreciated

10 6 Reply
Sebastian Perry 03 July 2014

so good, it seems to me he's under-appreciated

13 3 Reply
Dr Antony Theodore 06 October 2020

And there are buds that cannot bloom at all In light, but crumple, piteous, and fall; So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds, And wait, and tend our agonizing seeds. a very good poem. tony

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Emmanuel Sunday 21 January 2020

This really interests me... Its nice

1 0 Reply

One step in the gym!

2 4 Reply

Get on The Wall and stop messing with miguel

3 4 Reply
Ramesh T A 07 August 2015

Meek people cannot be taken as cheap and mean indeed! They bear all pains in dark and are much more tolerant than all others!

10 5 Reply
Countee Cullen

Countee Cullen

New York
follow poet
Countee Cullen
New York
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