From An Extrovert To Introvert Poem by Jongoni Sripriya

Jongoni Sripriya

Jongoni Sripriya

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Jongoni Sripriya
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From An Extrovert To Introvert

Rating: 5.0

Once upon a time, I was an extrovert.
Very outgoing, confident and expressive.
People couldn't bear that, and began to fire.
Shot brick by brick to collapse wall of my confidence.
Drop by drop filled me with despair.
And then transformed me into an introvert.

Once upon a time, I was an extrovert.
Very optimistic, cool and happy.
People couldn't bear that, and began to fire.
Shot brick by brick to collapse castle of my hopes.
Drop by drop filled me with worthlessness.
And then transformed me into an introvert.

Once upon a time, I was an extrovert.
Very enthusiastic, sociable and cheerful.
People couldn't bear that, and began to fire.
Shot brick by brick to collapse mansion of my dreams.
Drop by drop filled me with loneliness.
And then transformed me into an introvert.

Once upon a time, I was an extrovert.
Very joyous, self esteemed and ambitious.
People couldn't bear that, and began to fire.
Shot brick by brick to collapse empire of my desires.
Drop by drop filled me with gloominess.
And then transformed me into an introvert.

From An Extrovert To Introvert
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: change,dreams,failure,introvert,people
Many of us must have faced that phase of life when peoples opinions and words hurt us so much that we have lost all our confidence and become very low and hopeless. Words are very powerful they can make a feeble person feel strong and even can also make strongest to feel weaker.

People those who criticize and taunt or mock don't know exactly what you are going through and how much effort you are putting up to struggle for your life and doesn't care how their words will affect you and lower your self esteem levels.

There is a saying"SUCCESS ALWAYS HUGS YOU IN PRIVATE BUT FAILURE SLAPS YOU IN PUBLIC"...this is so true....people never care really about what you have achieved so far but will be ready to shoot words at even at your smallest failure. Such people only concentrate on negatives and demotivate you. Its advisable to cut off such negative people from your life and stay strong because tougher the path greater will be destiny. Believe yourself, have faith in god and move on and come back to extrovert track with 2X more energy and enthusiasm.
Chinedu Dike 26 September 2019

Well expressed thoughts and feelings. An insightful piece of poetry................

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Jongoni Sripriya 27 September 2019

Thank you! Chinedu Dike

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Dr Antony Theodore 12 September 2019

people never care really about what you have achieved so far but will be ready to shoot words at even at your smallest failure. Such people only concentrate on negatives and demotivate you. Its advisable to cut off such negative people from your life.. liked very much your poem and your poets note. love it....... be strong, become great. you are called to be great. tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 30 March 2019

Shot brick by brick to collapse mansion of my dreams. Drop by drop filled me with loneliness. And then transformed me into an introvert. Real experience of life that changes our social behaviour. we are compelled to do so. very fine thoughts.. thank u . it is real. tony

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Jongoni Sripriya 30 March 2019

Thank you so much tony Your comments keep me motivated to write more poems. Thanks for your encouragement

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Jongoni Sripriya

Jongoni Sripriya

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Jongoni Sripriya
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