The wayside hut was demolished for widening the road
Leading the minister's corruption-avenues to widen broad
The lone old woman lost her shelter and took asylum In the 9th ward
Compensation for acquisition was tangled up in red tape
All assurances of the minister for rehabilitation turned void
His election manifesto hidden in oblivion never found manifestation!
Greedy fox, he is secretly searching for a bucketful of blue dye
To dip his children and make them fit for reigning after their father
Ruthless manipulator! He is toiling hard to establish a dynasty of his own
It's funny the voting castes not realising their folly keep on giving mandate.
Though busy at draining the public coffers into his Swiss account
He visited the dying old woman for popularity, in pomp and show
Her paralysed palms moved all on a sudden and put together to revere
TheGod of death advancing on his buffalo-ride ahead the minister's fleet
Invisibly by any in the crowd but to the dark light of her closed eyes
She breathed her last and surrendered to him who went away with her soul
"Wonderful", The mistaken mob bestowed on the minister a mystic image
Who left away shamelessly with the feather stuck to his cap without any regret
Powerful, incisive and meaningful write on dirty politics. This story must be read by all. A hard lesson that must be remembered when we cast our votes! People must use their power of suffrage against corruption.
A vivid and brilliant depiction of corruption and its effects on society. Corruption always takes a country into darkness. The people must be vigilant and strong to fight against this evil.
great writing on the political exploitation yeah the frailty is the virgin power of now-a-days so called democracy! !
Thank you Mahtab. When our minds becomes hurt by the greed and deception the politicians adopt how can we keep silent?
A recreation of the typical present day politics and the so called democracy- Of the people, By the people, and For the people. And assigned to it some humour significance. Congrats! !
Thank you Leela Kumari, the present day politics is a foolery
Whipping criticism on the politicians who beg votes for them from the people and end up as selfish rulers who only give misery to them.The poet draws the picture of a poor woman who lost her house for road widening and the minister does nothing to pay the compensation due to her. Finally she dies in the 9th ward of the hospital as a destitute patient and the Minister turns up there to offer condolence with crocodile tears! ! A true picture of current politicians! !
Thank you my friend. Voters must think about the situation seriously
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem is what actually happened in our society....A satire...
Today's democratic image is badly mutilated by political over- interference. Things are decided over by them according to their interest and commitments regardless of democratic values