Four Letter Word Poem by Jon M. Nelson

Jon M. Nelson

Jon M. Nelson

Milaca, MN
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Jon M. Nelson
Milaca, MN
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Four Letter Word

Because of this word so many are abused,
And also why people always feel used.
It is the reason there is so much crime,
It's been around since the beginning of time.

It is a word that so many people despise,
And the reason there are so many lies.
It is often the cause of too many wars,
And why opportunity closes the doors.

Prejudices will often be the root cause,
Because many people look for the flaws.
It is the reason there's so much violence,
And why so many things don't make sense.

We can teach our children not to have it,
But for most adults now it is a habit.
Peace and love are still always around,
But their echo isn't as great of a sound.

Because of this word, too many have died,
And rivers of tears have also been cried,
One of the ugliest obscenities ever heard,
That's why 'hate' is a four letter word.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: hate,hatred,love
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Jon M. Nelson

Jon M. Nelson

Milaca, MN
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Jon M. Nelson
Milaca, MN
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