Forgive Unsaid Apologies Poem by Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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Qiniso Mogale
Dvokolwako Swaziland
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Forgive Unsaid Apologies

Rating: 5.0

Forgive silent apologies
Forgive unheard apologies
Forgive invisible apologies
Forgive unuttered apologies
Forgive unsaid apologies
Do this for your own good
Do this for your own peace of mind.

Grudges are very heavy to carry
Bitterness causes anxiety
Bitterness causes depression
Grudges cause hypertension
Bitterness results in heartaches
Grudges results in headaches
Bitterness causes unnecessary stress
For your own peace of mind
Forgive unsaid apologies.

Let those who afflict you carry
their own sins
Let those who plan your destruction
dig their own graves thinking they are digging yours
Forgive unuttered apologies
Forgive unsaid apologies
Vengeance is God's
Do this for your own peace of mind.

Monday, August 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
Seema Sharma Rimi 28 August 2017

Grudges are very heavy to carry Bitterness causes anxiety Bitterness causes depression Grudges cause hypertension Bitterness results in heartaches Grudges results in headaches Bitterness causes unnecessary stress For your own peace of mind Forgive unsaid apologies. Beautiful. Amazing poem. 10++ for it.

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Qiniso Mogale 28 August 2017

Thank you very kindly Seema for taking time to read. Much appreciated!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 28 August 2017

Grudge and bitterness are always harmful. They cause anxieties, depression, tension, and destruction. So this should be avoided and apologies should be given in order to get peace.This poem bears a good lesson.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 28 August 2017

Let those who afflict you carry their own sins Let those who plan your destruction dig their own graves thinking they are digging yours A great divine approach to let the Almighty work on its own. Thanks for the great poem. 10+++ for it. Subhas

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Qiniso Mogale 28 August 2017

I thank you Subhas

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Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
follow poet
Qiniso Mogale
Dvokolwako Swaziland
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