For You Are My Love Forever Poem by Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

Ripley, Tennessee
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Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson
Ripley, Tennessee
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For You Are My Love Forever

Rating: 5.0

Kiss me as if the world were brand new, as though we were, Adam, and Eve,
take me on a journey too places unknown, and hold me close to thee.
Touch my hand, and caress my thighs as you whisper into my ear,
tell me all the things that I so desire as your lover I would love to hear.
She me they world, but give me thy love,
as angel in Heaven gaze down fro above.
When I cry wipe my tears,
for my love it has been so many years.
Don't give me flowers for they remind of the dead,
I'm liable to explode, and lose my head.
Let us stroll through this world together,
for you are my love forever.

Herbert Nehrlich1 10 June 2005

This is a touching poem, somehow I first thought it was a bit helter-skelter but it is simply a love poem, made of the two ingredients longing and wanting to be loved and accepted..... Thanks H

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Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

Ripley, Tennessee
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Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson
Ripley, Tennessee
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