For Those That Serve Poem by philip teed

philip teed

philip teed

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For Those That Serve

As we sit and see the colors,
Do we ever wonder why it shines?
Have we ever stop to wonder,
Just why we get the colors?
Every year that has come to pass,
Do we ever wonder how we keep it?
The people who serve and the people who help,
The people who support and the people who see,
The people who are wounded and have come to pass.
Do we ever wonder what we see?
Everyday more people serve,
Everyday a few of them die.
Some are for accidents, murder, and war.
The smallest number that takes our loved ones is war right now.
See or know someone who serves and tell them thank you for what they do.
You may never see that person again or even know if they are dead,
But for you to remind them why they fight,
It makes them want to do it that much more.
So thank you for the supporters and the helpers,
Thank you for the families and those who will serve,
But mostly thank you for those who serve and have served,
Dead or alive you will always be remembered and never forgotten for the greatest gift of all.
Giving us our freedom to live.

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