For Every Star Thus The More One Wish For Respect. Poem by Raymond Sawyer

Raymond Sawyer

Raymond Sawyer

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Raymond Sawyer
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For Every Star Thus The More One Wish For Respect.

Rating: 3.8

For when the sky is clear thus one can see a star but for every star that shine in the night for there a angel for who's eyes sparkle in the night but for who will feel the touch of respect just to see the moon raise just to touch the night sky with the touch of respect thus for every min that one wish for the touch of respect and yet for every star thus the more one wish for respect.

Where there a heart for every star that touch the night shall shine with respect but for who will feel the touch of respect but just to look in the night sky for there a angel for who's heart is full of respect just to feel the touch of respect is like feeling the touch of a rose that been touch with respect every twinkle is the twinkle of respect yet just to feel the light of life for one feel respect and yet for every star thus the more one wish for respect.

When one feel the touch of a warm smile thus it's the sun that been touch by the angel of respect for every rose that one see been fill with the touch of respect just to fill a heart that wish for respect but for every sparkle thus there a heat that will feel the touch of respect but the more one wish for the touch of respect but yet for every star thus the more one wish for respect.

Just to look to the sky is lie looking in the eyes of the angel for who fill the air with the touch of respect but when one smile for the sun shall warm a heart with respect for one who feel respect is one who wish for the touch of respect thus every moment that one wish for respect the more one will wish for the touch of respect but for every star that touch once eyes for it shall twinkle in the night and yet for every star thus the more one wish for respect.

Well god morning to all the people that come here just for a good cup of fresh cup of coffee just before they have to be at work but when they feel a warm smile that says welcome to Star bucks.
Howard Savage 17 January 2016

you are great poet with an eye for stars. Love your poems, keep writing.

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Adeline Foster 30 December 2015

Indeed strange paragraphs all about coffee. Perhaps you meant to say 'good morning'. Instead of 'God Morning'. Your attempt at a story does show how you wish everyone an enjoyable cup of coffee in the morning. One can only suppose that you must work at Starbucks. In that case thanks for you good morning wishes. Adeline

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Souren Mondal 28 November 2015

Good morning Raymond. Respect and greetings for you. May the angel and the stars touch you like you touch me with your verses. Take care and be safe. For the stars maybe sweet to look at but the night spent under the stars, one can wish not only for respect but a roof over the head touching one like the angel of respect. Bless you friend..

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Shah Surja 28 November 2015

thus the more one wish for respect.

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Raymond Sawyer

Raymond Sawyer

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Raymond Sawyer
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