Fire Burning In My Soul Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

RoseAnn V. Shawiak

RoseAnn V. Shawiak

New Jersey
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RoseAnn V. Shawiak
New Jersey
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Fire Burning In My Soul

Falling out of the depths of life, losing control,
a fire burning in my soul.

Interior spirituality filling me with an exceptional
peace and fulfillment.

Emotions quieted down, feelings floating about,
interiorly looking at how everything comes together.

Within my mind and soul, anticipating the merging
of mind-consuming thoughts with those of imaginative
ones, coming from dreams watched through the night.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Amitava Sur 26 August 2015

Its a lovely poem expressing the maturity in thing about life, finding out or realizing our pur soul and peace in life at last.through consolidating the as being said here..... Emotions quieted down, feelings floating about, interiorly looking at how everything comes together. Very nice.

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Daniel Brick 26 August 2015

FROM DREAMS WATCHED THROUGH THE NIGHT - this is how you enter the Night Realm, the Region of the Spiritual, where the Realities exist in their pure splendor. You always find the words to make this invisible place visible. It is so important in this dark age for us to know such a place of radiance exists inside of all us. Your praise-poems are always welcome! They chart the journey, take the first steps inward, encourage us to follow after.

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David Wood 26 August 2015

Lovely poem, sometimes events overtake us and we lose control. But the inner self restores peace again.

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RoseAnn V. Shawiak

RoseAnn V. Shawiak

New Jersey
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RoseAnn V. Shawiak
New Jersey
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